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Prophet W. Magaya... Thy shall not judge...

“. . . when you hear marine, the first thing that comes to your mind is water or river, you’re not wrong, marine spirits are water spirits w...

“. . . when you hear marine, the first thing that comes to your mind is water or river, you’re not wrong, marine spirits are water spirits whose kingdom or place of origin is the marine or water bodies such as rivers, lakes, pools, oceans and seas.”
Reading Prophet Walter Magaya’s sermon on marine spirits is quite insightful yet so conspicuously intriguing, the renowned prophet in the sermon denounces and castigates the apostolic (white garments) faith, calling it evil and that it derives its powers from the underworld in the seas.

His in-depth knowledge about these marine spirits and the underworld, I must say, is somewhat illuminating at the same time leaving one to wonder if there is a trail of darkness as to how this man of cloth might have got to know all this information about the underworld, as if he paid a visit to that part of the world.
Prophet W. Magaya... Thy shall not judge...
As a Christian, I personally hope that the popular prophet is not trying to use fear as a tool of persuasion to the general public so as to join his bandwagon of followers and hopefully in the process not make people lazy and gullible to the point where they resent taking a bath because they fear being associated with the marine spirits.

This then brings me to point out that, it is a known fact that water is life, so there shouldn’t be anything sinister about using it as a healing remedy to which the popular prophet asserts that the practice is in line with the perpetuation and glorification of the marine world.

Prophet Magaya is further quoted as saying that members of the mapostori undergo regular visits to the waterfalls for baptism to cleanse them of “bad spirits” but unknown to the followers they will be further dedicated and initiated into the marine kingdom.

This assertion is quite disturbing in light of the fact that our saviour Jesus Christ was himself baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. Is the prophet suggesting that the son of man was being initiated to the marine kingdom, moreover most of Jesus teachings were done by the River Galilee, once again is the “powerful” prophet insinuating that he was now being strengthened by the marine spirits?

Magaya further intelligently associate the reeds found at the mapostori shrines as a representation of the marine kingdom but they could still argue saying that they represent the same protection that baby Moses got when his mother hid him in the river that had those same kind of reeds when Pharaoh had sent a decree to get all male Israelite babies killed.

Baby Moses was only to be discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter who adored the little baby from the onset and Moses lived a royal life then on, this same baby that was discovered hidden in those reeds of that river was to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. Using my own hypothesis, these reeds may signify the same protection that baby got.

Though I do have strong faith in the Bible, it is a known fact that Africans got to know about the book of life in the most unsavoury terms, it came accompanied by robbery, genocide, slavery, displacement, oppression all perpetrated against the black African, consequently cutting off our roots and sense of belonging.

Against this background wouldn’t it be fair to assess that those who faced the inhumane treatment of racism and segregation might at one point have resented the Bible and possibly prayed direct to Jehovah to reveal his divine word through the holy spirit to Africans, this is why in their songs or verses as they would like to call them, you will hear names such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Jesus, Gabriel, Michael, in all of them lamenting the biblical journey of each figure.

This signifies that there is God’s revelation to the African Church, after all, the Bible is inspired God’s word written by humans.

His knowledge on marine spirits is correct as evidenced by all the Bible verses he quoted in the published sermon , but to associate them with other faiths is in itself judgemental and the Bible negates such, just as it is written in the scriptures that Judge not lest you will be judged. So at this point we are going to judge him using his sermon.

“Goods designed in the marine kingdom are used in the physical realm through supply to people who signed contracts with the devil or countersigned by the Queen of the Coast or the Queen of India.

‘The buyers of these goods receive high sales, prosperity and sudden rise to fame but in return you have to sacrifice one or two souls to the devil,” said Magaya.

This is a chilling revelation bearing in mind that just last year at one of his crusades in Kwekwe, lives were lost, could these have been part of his sacrifice as he is the one constantly preaching about prosperity and surely his rise to fame was notable, eclipsing the likes of Prophet Makandiwa of UFIC and beleaguered Spirit Embassy front man, Ubert Angel.

Congregants today, in different churches are being made to buy wristbands, bumper stickers, portraits of their churches and spiritual fathers, so that they could be protected from evil spirits according to their churchs’ doctrine, shunning and forgetting their faith in the Lord and our saviour Jesus Christ. Isn’t in itself idol worshipping?

The question is, are mapostori becoming a threat to this new form of entrepreneurship which some now call gospelpreneurship? One wonders if the numbers are dropping at his church such that he had to take such a drastic, desperate measure of calling another Christian faith satanic and evil.

Surely they should be dropping as evidenced by the fact that Magaya now uses local celebrities’ endorsements so as to lure and harvest souls.
Vapostori Sect
Socio-economic problems, marital problems, health problems have left us all desperate for a breakthrough and deliverance such that we are now just gullible to any doctrine presented to us for as long as we hear that miracles are being performed, let us be resolute in prayer and always remember that the distance between your problem and your solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.

If we are to follow the footsteps of our beloved saviour you will note he never taught much on the kingdom of darkness but much of his time he talked about the beautiful life ahead those who were going to accept him as the way, the truth and the life. He spoke of the Kingdom of his father constantly and assured the troubled, haunted and broken-hearted that all of the anguish would come to pass and they would be in his Father’s kingdom.

So Prophet, don’t attempt to scare us by making yourself unquestionable by stating that those who question you possess marine spirits. The reality is, the truth is unconquerable!
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