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These women will do anything to get a man

WARNING : IF NUDITY OFFENDS YOU DONT CLICK. This picture has gone viral and the story goes that a pastor of a church somewhere in the Car...

WARNING : IF NUDITY OFFENDS YOU DONT CLICK. This picture has gone viral and the story goes that a pastor of a church somewhere in the Caribbean asked his single female members to follow him to the beach where he will pray for them to find husbands. When they got to the beach, the pastor asked the ladies to undress because he needed to kiss their behinds as part of the prayers.  Some have dismissed this as just a pimp with his women on a photo shoot.

Christain Churches are not the issue. A Christan truly following the Lord would never do this !! Sexual abuse comes from a person with a perverted heart which takes over the mind. Whether it is a Christian in a back-slidden condition because they have chosen to yield to their flesh or a person that has never repented and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior but is posing as a Christian…. this is (NOT) from the Holy Spirit…and where did it say they were practicing Christan anyway.. it says pastor and church… this could be any religion. Christian means followers of Christ. People that are truly following Christ do not practice such as this!!!

I pray the Lord will work in their hearts and bring them to repentance.
These women will do anything to get a man
These women will do anything to get a man
THE family of a 13-year-old child who was allegedly raped and made pregnant by a local police officer has every reason to feel aggrieved as the perpetrator walks scot free while the family’s efforts to seek justice since August are being frustrated at every turn. Isaac Muranganwa, who is understood to be a plain-clothes police officer stationed at Mutare Central Police Station, allegedly raped the minor in February during the time he was renting an apartment at the victim’s family home in Yeovil medium-density suburb.
The matter was reported at Mutare Central on August 14 and recorded under CR 105/08/14.
The complainant gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on October 24.
In an interview, the father of the teenager chronicled the events since they discovered his daughter’s pregnancy and said he was almost losing hope that justice would prevail.
“Sometime late July, we discovered bodily evidence that our daughter could be pregnant. We then went with her to some doctors at Florida Clinic and Mutare Provincial Hospital who confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. She then told us what had happened in February.
“We reported the case at Mutare Central Police Station a day after the Heroes’ and Defence Forces Day holidays. At one point we were told that there is an internal police disciplinary process that should take place first before the criminal law process could be followed.
“They even told us that they would concentrate on what was important to them and their work, not the issue of a minor being raped. We asked about the charges, but we could not get any meaningful answer.
“We are also denied access to the defence lawyer by police officials who argued that it would be tantamount to disrupting criminal law procedures. Up to now we don’t even know who is representing Muranganwa in this case. We were made to understand that it is a fellow police officer. To be honest I am now losing hope that the perpetrator will be brought to book. I am losing faith in this system,” he said.
He added that they were now waiting for November 20 (yesterday) after being promised that the case would appear before the court, for the first time, on that date.
“I really do not know whether it is the right thing according to the law, but since this thing started I have been barred from witnessing the proceedings even at police and my son-in-law and my wife were the only ones that police entertained.
“We are now waiting for November 20. That is the date they told us the matter will appear in court. The last time we went to court we waited until 5pm and we were only told that the matter could not be heard that day when we had inquired. I hope and pray that one day justice will prevail because what my daughter went through is extremely excruciating to the entire family,” he added.
In a separate interview, the minor, who has since turned 14 and is taking care of the new-born baby at her sister’s house in Hobhouse, confirmed that she was indeed raped by Muranganwa.
“In February, Muranganwa’s wife left me with their baby and asked me to hand over the baby to the father when he got back from work. When I went to their apartment to hand over the baby after I had discovered that he had returned from work, he asked me to get inside their house.
“He held me by the waist, shut the door and threw me on the bed. We had unprotected sex. I did not report the matter since I was scared of what would follow. He also warned me against reporting the matter,” she said.
Muranganwa could not be reached for comment as his mobile number was not reachable since last week, while he was said to be out of office each time this news crew phoned Mutare Central since last week.
When contacted for comment, Manicaland provincial police spokesperson Inspector Enock Chishiri could neither confirm nor deny the case.
“I have not found anything from the people I have been asking. I am out of office. I will see if I can get anything and I will get back to you,” said Insp Chishiri.
His deputy, Assistant Inspector Luxson Chananda, refused to comment on the issue. “It is not under my jurisdiction. You can talk to Insp Chishiri,” he said.
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