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Shocking Video of VP Mujuru saying ” “mukadzi waMugabe anongoswera kukwekweredzana nacho chimudhara chiya achichimanikidza kuti handei nekukara mari.”

FIRST Lady Amai Grace Mugabe yesterday reiterated her call for Vice President Joice Mujuru’s resignation saying she had a video recording of...

FIRST Lady Amai Grace Mugabe yesterday reiterated her call for Vice President Joice Mujuru’s resignation saying she had a video recording of the latter denigrating her and President Mugabe.

VP Mujuru is said to have demeaned the President saying: “Hanzi mukadzi waMugabe anongoswera kukwekweredzana nacho chimudhara chiya achichimanikidza kuti handei nekukara mari.”

Amai Mugabe said VP Mujuru should leave office forthwith as she was not going to survive the elective Congress next month. Addressing thousands of students who gathered at her Mazowe Children’s Home yesterday, Amai Mugabe said President Mugabe wanted people who worked with him to develop the country not backstabbers.

“The writing is on the wall clearly in bold print saying hatichakudai amai. Don’t force us. You showed us that you are not capable to lead full stop. We need people who work. The President wants lieutenants who help him to develop this nation. Crooks and thieves are not tolerated. If she wants respect she should tender her resignation today because there is more to come. I am only telling you the periphery. We give you honour for fighting in the war not for working for the country. We chose her to represent our interest but she has failed. We have had enough of this stupidity. Ivo baba havasi kuzvinzwa here kuti munhu ngaaende?,” she said.

Amai Mugabe said if VP Mujuru thought people would change their minds, then she was dreaming.
Grace Mugabe
“Varikufunga kuti pamwe zvichaenda nepamwe. Tinoda munhu anofunga Baba vakaisa zvatisingafarire tichaungana zvakare pano. We are saying to the President you made a mistake and now correct that mistake. Zimbabwe has a lot of people with the capacity and ability to run the country,” she said.

She said offenders would not be chased from the partybut would be reprimanded. President Mugabe, whom the First Lady described as a “protagonist and grandmaster” scoffed at those who were plotting to assassinate him adding that those who thought VP Mujuru had bagged the presidential post were fantasising.

The First Lady said she trapped VP Mujuru after several people told her that she was in the habit of despising her.

“At first I was the only one who defended her. I said Mai Mujuru would never say such a thing. Ende zvinhu zvacho zvaitaurwa hanzi mukadzi waMugabe akaramba achidaro achawira muMazowe Dam. But what wrong was I doing? Hanzi handisi kuudza Mugabe kuti step down. But still I didn’t not want to listen to gossiping,” she said.

The First Lady said she thought of setting up a trap in which she pretended to denigrate the President.

“We were at the show sitting together with President Mugabe and her ndikavati aah President ivava havambosiri right vakaoma moyo muchivaona vakadai. That day I was travelling to Dubai with my child for school and I came back after a week and the first thing I got is that she had said Mugabe’s wife is now confiding in me, ndaakumuisa muhomwe.”

Amai Mugabe went on: “After that I told people that they should record her if they wanted me to believe them. And she was recorded, inappropriately dressed. I have that video, and she was saying rotten things. Hanzi mukadzi waMugabe anongoswera kukwekweredzana nacho chimudhara chiya achichimanikidza kuti handei nekukara mari.”

She said to VP Mujuru, being a leader meant amassing wealth adding that indigenisation was for everyone not the Mujuru family.

“If there was money at State House do you think I would wake up in the morning going to the Dairy Farm? Dai ndinayo ndaingoswera ndirere zvavanoita ndichingofona achiuya maten percent.”
She said VP Mujuru was trying to hide the finger, putting the blame on her late husband Cde Solomon Mujuru.

“Zvakungonzi ndevakafa. Kana vari vakafa why did you inherit it if it was bad?”

She said no one was influencing her to say what she was saying at the rallies.
“Vazhinji vanonditi hee anofurirwa nana Muchinguri, Kasukuwere naMnangangwa. I have got brains. I don’t even have a day where I have approached the President to tell me what to say at rallies. I speak my mind,” Amai Mugabe said.

She accused ousted Mashonaland East provincial chairman Cde Ray Kaukonde of forging his educational qualifications.

“Hanzi ainzi Joseph Kaukonde achigara nemwana wemumwe murumwe ainzi Ray but with a different surname. Kaukonde ranga riri dofo ndobva aba certificate and forged it then he left Ray but added the surname Kaukonde.

“Saka zvinorongwa nemadofo zvinongofa. I tried to organise a mini Unity Accord in Harare and I told my son (Gomwe) to apologise but they took me for granted and today they are falling by the wayside.”

She said no one should be intimidated before or during the forthcoming Congress. The First Lady castigated the private media for writing falsehoods about the First Family and propping up VP Mujuru’s image.

“Daily News munongonyorawo muchiziva kuti chituta ndechenyu. Write whatever you want we will never stop you or get you arrested but the problem is you end up writing lies,” she said.

Source: Herald
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