1418: The proceedings have ended here at the National Heroes Acre and the first family is now leaving. That ends to our updates. 1352: Pre...
1418: The proceedings have ended here at the National Heroes Acre and the first family is now leaving. That ends to our updates.
1352: President Mugabe hands the national flag to Cde Shamuyarira’s wife Dorothy. The laying of wreaths has started.
1344: The Gun Salute rings as the casket is lowered.
1319: “He bequeathed what he had in mind to others and let them follow and we are saying to him lie here son of the soil, lie here Cde like others and we will always remember you generations and generations ndokutendai” With that the President ends his speech.
1313: “The study of reality in philosophy says that you can’t know the whole of reality but you can only know a bit of reality as part of a whole. Philosophy is an interesting study it makes you feel unlearned even if you are learned..Nathan was educated but Zvobgo would say madegrees azarisa hatisisina kwekua isa but ndo majokes are Zvogbo zve…let me end up by thanking Reverend Mashonganyika on the story of David”
1309: “Our standing together remaining together as a nation avoiding divisive tendencies, our press must help us in safeguarding these principles, ladies and gentlemen we know Nathan’s life goes beyond the media. Education did not make Nathan an Egoist, an egoist is one who says what I think and only what I think is right…so you must always think as I think, if you are educated that way I say damn you, you not educated you are ignorant, education must make you humble, education must make you feel uneducated always and always it is a damned fool who says I know all that needs to be known, what i don;t know is ignorance ah..all you know is knowledge what i don’t know is not knowledge.”
1307: “I know you negotiated with the Nigerians so they could help us with a fund to buy the press and we are happy very happy that there was this donation of $5 million from the Nigerians that helped us to own the press. It is that press we would want to continue to vindicate our rights, honesty,,to expose our freedom..the freedoms that we accord our people to belong their cultures, their religion provided that religion doesn’t offend others”
1305: “I want to say to Nathan, we are burying you here out of recognition of the work that you did for us out your commitment, the sacrifices you made, the contribution you made and the love morality and discipline that constitute the example that you bestowed on our youth and nation, we shall never forget that work it’s indelible once you are here you will be cherished forever. We want all our young men and women how you in life made commitments what your contributions were even your adjustments…”
1259: “The right of ownership is far greater than the right of the worker to be employed. We want people to be rooted in their land not just employees..the right owners, start their own industries so that they can employ their own employees”
1256: “The farmer is more powerful than the worker. Our industries did not develop to the extent that industries in Europe developed.”
1255: President Mugabe explains his discussions on Marxism and Leninism with Cde Shamuyarira and how their ideologies spoke of the urban workers but Zimbabwe’s socialism had to include the peasant farmer.
1253: “His discipline, his commitment to principle.”
1252: “We are saying to her yes you have lost him and what we have done here is not just a celebration of the man for the party, for the members of the party this is for the people of Zimbabwe but for you ‘Dora’”
1250: “The loss they have suffered which has been our loss and I know..nezuro ndakataura nezveku shamwaridzana kwanda kaita navaShamuyarira ndakataura nekuti mukadzi wangu anga asipo saka nhasi handinga dzokorore nepaaka gara apo. These last days I went to see him in hospital and ah he was nolonger able to sit nolonger able even to recogniae people, he could open his eyes a bit but there was his wife so faithfully, glued to her husband. I sat for two hours and I was feeling not just for Shamuyarira but for the wife as well I knew of the lobe that was between them.”
1246: “Manje togara nadzo mu Zanu PF? Kwete…toonawo vana vedu tiva simudze our youth tione kuti havapfukutwe vamwe maleaders asi vakato pindwa nezvipfukuto..just a few words in English now, the man we are burying here was a straight forward man”
1245: Pakati pedu tinezvipfukuto…ini handizivi chino zvarwa nani ndinongoona kuti ah ah chibage changu chane zvipfukuto..ehe Zanu PF ine zvipfukuto, let’s take care of these weavals…asi kana chipfukuto chapinda mutsanga.
1243: “Zvenyu ndezvenyu hazvisi zvedu, zvinova zvedu kana matitengesera….we must be convinced,we must share those objectives, do you believe in yourselves..do you belive that Zimbabwe is yours you Zimbabweans? Take care now murimi murimi mukuru Shamuyarira did agriculture.”
1240: “The objectives were never in question in regard to those who lie here, to Nathan…you all know now the leadership that he gave us. I talked yesterday about his won direction which was people oriented. It is not your own little ideas about how you can beat so and so…kunzvengesa musangano se bhora, izvo ndezve bhora why don’t you go either ku Dynamos or Highlanders. we telling the people we must be one we must be united in agriculture in mining we must organise our people to take advantage of these resources. Your publicity must go in that direction let the know what they must do for themselves..encourage the people to be organised, don’t plant seeds to divide the people.Don’t make anyone in the party a political enemy, you may difer with the person and you attack him the paper, that’s no ideology a destructive ideology, progress has to be made, we are fighting the British outsiders”
1234: “Kwete Zvitoto. Takanzwa veMDC vachiti ko isuwo…vamwe pavaita forward march imi maita backward march..is that the way you fight the struggle?”
1233; “Sacrifices must be made, the sacrifices before the struggle those who lie here, I have said it again and again, were people who sacrificed themselves for the struggle whether they were in Zanu or Zapu”
1231: “The people become your water, you’re the fish swimming amongst them…not just swimming aimlessly but with ideology…ideology must be people oriented kuda zvinangwa zve vanhu, kusimudzira mhuri yeZimbabwe kwete kuzvisimudzira isu….so we were prepared to die, to suffer…that’s why Nathan came back and others who had gone to school came and joined us”
1229: President Mugabe says direction of the principles was fighting to liberate the country not for just for the sake of fighting. “You fight rationally”
1228: He says in any struggle there will be obstacles here and there but the principles should determine the direction one takes.
1220: He explains the trial of Josiah Tongogara in Zambia on allegations of planting the bomb that killed Herbert Chitepo in which he was found not guilty. He jokes about the late Zvobgo saying to Shamuyarira that he was not educated.
1215: President details the issues that led to the Geneva conference after the formation of the Patriotic Front.
1210: After the death of Herbert Chitepo in 1975 by a car bomb the party decided that President Mugabe should leave the country. “Hurongwa wedu vaive pachokwadi kuti tizvigadzirire, ndopakanzi ini nava Tekere tiende kunze kwe Nyika.”
1206: “Chero takabvuma kupinda mumubatanidzwa waMuzorewa taive ne Tamba waka Chenjera”
1204: He describes the formation of the political parties to fight the settler regime.
1152: President Mugabe is now addressing the mourners “Taungana pano zvakare tichiunganidzwa negamba, gamba guru, rine mbiri huru, gamba rataona richifamba nesu pahupenyu. Takataura zvakawanda nezve gamba iri Nathan Shamuyarira…vachasenza muma pepa…kuvamba kwavakaita Dare ReChimurenga nana Chitepo ku Lusaka…”
1148: Home Affairs minister Kembo Mohadi has invited President Mugabe to address the gathering.
1142: Cde Chihota ends his address.
1140: “It was a pleasure to have him, an intellectual par excellence who would always stimulate debate.”
1138: He describes Cde Shamuyarira as a committed Pan-Africanist, deep thinker and lover of nature.
1136: Cde Lovemore Chihota who is representating the family is now on the podium.
1123: The proceedings have started with a sermon now being delivered.
1113: The casket is now being carried to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
1110: President Mugabe and First Lady Amai Grace have arrived.
1109: The gun carriage carrying Cde Shamuyarira’s body has arrived at the National Heroes Acre
1100: President Mugabe is expected to give the keynote address.
1059: Scores of mourners have gathered at the National Heroes Acre to send off national hero Cde Nathan Shamuyarira.
1352: President Mugabe hands the national flag to Cde Shamuyarira’s wife Dorothy. The laying of wreaths has started.
A pallbearer stands by the late Cde Shamuyarira’s casket Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda) |
1319: “He bequeathed what he had in mind to others and let them follow and we are saying to him lie here son of the soil, lie here Cde like others and we will always remember you generations and generations ndokutendai” With that the President ends his speech.
President Mugabe and Amai Grace shortly after their arrival at the Heroes Acre (Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda) |
1309: “Our standing together remaining together as a nation avoiding divisive tendencies, our press must help us in safeguarding these principles, ladies and gentlemen we know Nathan’s life goes beyond the media. Education did not make Nathan an Egoist, an egoist is one who says what I think and only what I think is right…so you must always think as I think, if you are educated that way I say damn you, you not educated you are ignorant, education must make you humble, education must make you feel uneducated always and always it is a damned fool who says I know all that needs to be known, what i don;t know is ignorance ah..all you know is knowledge what i don’t know is not knowledge.”
Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Emmerson Mnangagwa (centre), Minister of Defence Sydney Sekeramayi chat to Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces Constantine Chiwenga (Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda) |
1305: “I want to say to Nathan, we are burying you here out of recognition of the work that you did for us out your commitment, the sacrifices you made, the contribution you made and the love morality and discipline that constitute the example that you bestowed on our youth and nation, we shall never forget that work it’s indelible once you are here you will be cherished forever. We want all our young men and women how you in life made commitments what your contributions were even your adjustments…”
1259: “The right of ownership is far greater than the right of the worker to be employed. We want people to be rooted in their land not just employees..the right owners, start their own industries so that they can employ their own employees”
1256: “The farmer is more powerful than the worker. Our industries did not develop to the extent that industries in Europe developed.”
1255: President Mugabe explains his discussions on Marxism and Leninism with Cde Shamuyarira and how their ideologies spoke of the urban workers but Zimbabwe’s socialism had to include the peasant farmer.
1253: “His discipline, his commitment to principle.”
1252: “We are saying to her yes you have lost him and what we have done here is not just a celebration of the man for the party, for the members of the party this is for the people of Zimbabwe but for you ‘Dora’”
1250: “The loss they have suffered which has been our loss and I know..nezuro ndakataura nezveku shamwaridzana kwanda kaita navaShamuyarira ndakataura nekuti mukadzi wangu anga asipo saka nhasi handinga dzokorore nepaaka gara apo. These last days I went to see him in hospital and ah he was nolonger able to sit nolonger able even to recogniae people, he could open his eyes a bit but there was his wife so faithfully, glued to her husband. I sat for two hours and I was feeling not just for Shamuyarira but for the wife as well I knew of the lobe that was between them.”
1246: “Manje togara nadzo mu Zanu PF? Kwete…toonawo vana vedu tiva simudze our youth tione kuti havapfukutwe vamwe maleaders asi vakato pindwa nezvipfukuto..just a few words in English now, the man we are burying here was a straight forward man”
1245: Pakati pedu tinezvipfukuto…ini handizivi chino zvarwa nani ndinongoona kuti ah ah chibage changu chane zvipfukuto..ehe Zanu PF ine zvipfukuto, let’s take care of these weavals…asi kana chipfukuto chapinda mutsanga.
1243: “Zvenyu ndezvenyu hazvisi zvedu, zvinova zvedu kana matitengesera….we must be convinced,we must share those objectives, do you believe in yourselves..do you belive that Zimbabwe is yours you Zimbabweans? Take care now murimi murimi mukuru Shamuyarira did agriculture.”
1240: “The objectives were never in question in regard to those who lie here, to Nathan…you all know now the leadership that he gave us. I talked yesterday about his won direction which was people oriented. It is not your own little ideas about how you can beat so and so…kunzvengesa musangano se bhora, izvo ndezve bhora why don’t you go either ku Dynamos or Highlanders. we telling the people we must be one we must be united in agriculture in mining we must organise our people to take advantage of these resources. Your publicity must go in that direction let the know what they must do for themselves..encourage the people to be organised, don’t plant seeds to divide the people.Don’t make anyone in the party a political enemy, you may difer with the person and you attack him the paper, that’s no ideology a destructive ideology, progress has to be made, we are fighting the British outsiders”
1234: “Kwete Zvitoto. Takanzwa veMDC vachiti ko isuwo…vamwe pavaita forward march imi maita backward march..is that the way you fight the struggle?”
1233; “Sacrifices must be made, the sacrifices before the struggle those who lie here, I have said it again and again, were people who sacrificed themselves for the struggle whether they were in Zanu or Zapu”
1231: “The people become your water, you’re the fish swimming amongst them…not just swimming aimlessly but with ideology…ideology must be people oriented kuda zvinangwa zve vanhu, kusimudzira mhuri yeZimbabwe kwete kuzvisimudzira isu….so we were prepared to die, to suffer…that’s why Nathan came back and others who had gone to school came and joined us”
1229: President Mugabe says direction of the principles was fighting to liberate the country not for just for the sake of fighting. “You fight rationally”
1228: He says in any struggle there will be obstacles here and there but the principles should determine the direction one takes.
1220: He explains the trial of Josiah Tongogara in Zambia on allegations of planting the bomb that killed Herbert Chitepo in which he was found not guilty. He jokes about the late Zvobgo saying to Shamuyarira that he was not educated.
1215: President details the issues that led to the Geneva conference after the formation of the Patriotic Front.
1210: After the death of Herbert Chitepo in 1975 by a car bomb the party decided that President Mugabe should leave the country. “Hurongwa wedu vaive pachokwadi kuti tizvigadzirire, ndopakanzi ini nava Tekere tiende kunze kwe Nyika.”
1206: “Chero takabvuma kupinda mumubatanidzwa waMuzorewa taive ne Tamba waka Chenjera”
1204: He describes the formation of the political parties to fight the settler regime.
1152: President Mugabe is now addressing the mourners “Taungana pano zvakare tichiunganidzwa negamba, gamba guru, rine mbiri huru, gamba rataona richifamba nesu pahupenyu. Takataura zvakawanda nezve gamba iri Nathan Shamuyarira…vachasenza muma pepa…kuvamba kwavakaita Dare ReChimurenga nana Chitepo ku Lusaka…”
1148: Home Affairs minister Kembo Mohadi has invited President Mugabe to address the gathering.
1142: Cde Chihota ends his address.
1140: “It was a pleasure to have him, an intellectual par excellence who would always stimulate debate.”
1138: He describes Cde Shamuyarira as a committed Pan-Africanist, deep thinker and lover of nature.
1136: Cde Lovemore Chihota who is representating the family is now on the podium.
1123: The proceedings have started with a sermon now being delivered.
1113: The casket is now being carried to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Cde Ignatius Chombo (left) sits next to Cde Rugare Gumbo (Picture by Lincoln Towindo) |
Some of the Ministers in attendance (Picture by Lincoln Towindo) |
1109: The gun carriage carrying Cde Shamuyarira’s body has arrived at the National Heroes Acre
The life and legacy of Cde Shamuyarira is being celebrated (Picture by Lincoln Towindo) |
1100: President Mugabe is expected to give the keynote address.
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