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Madzibaba Tawona got it wrong on Propet W. Magaya article

OPINION – Madzibaba Tawona wekuAustralia you got the attention you were seeking. I must acknowledge that you have the “knowledge “but you la...

OPINION – Madzibaba Tawona wekuAustralia you got the attention you were seeking. I must acknowledge that you have the “knowledge “but you lack wisdom. (See article: Vapositori, Mweya yetsvina and the Bible: a response to Prophet Walter Magaya)

I will rather address you “Madzibaba Tawona” as Mr. Tawona since “Madzibaba” is a plural and Baba is the singular. I wonder why he calls himself such even though he is one.
Madzibaba Tawona got it wrong on Propet W. Magaya article
I am a devout Christian and I found your article shallow and lacks understanding of the Bible. In the entirety of your article you were trying, but failed to discredit Jesus Christ who is the cornerstone of Christianity.

For your own information we are Christians by virtue of being followers of Jesus Christ, The Messiah, The true Son of God; The Prince of Peace you name it! We got to know of Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom after the Great Commission (Mathew 28:16-20).

This was an instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples that they spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. It has become a tenet in Christian theology emphasizing ministry, missionary work, evangelism, and baptism.

Just like you chose to be called Madzibaba eJohane Masowe weChishanu and went ahead to claim that it was God who named it. How authentic are your claims? Who was there when Mr. Sixpence got the message? How did the information survive since 1929?

I bet that guy could not read or write; who documented that information? You are a believer just like us so do not be quick to throw stones yet you are in a glass house.
Mr. Tawona chose to abuse and arm-twist the truth in the Bible.

The major reason why Masowe abolished the Bible is simply because they do not want their followers to know the truth. The Bible is the Living Word of God and is potent with wonders and signs to those who feast on it.

John 8:32 reads “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Mr. Tawona wekuAustralia is a lie himself. He knows the truth and he just does not want to admit it. Johane Masowe and other mushrooming Vapostori cults are keeping the truth away from the people yet they read the same Bible they claim not to believe in.

From your argument you appear to be defunct Christian-cum- theologian who is seeking solace in the Vapostori cult. Of all the things you discussed, the issue worth talking about here is the deity of Jesus Christ and why we follow Him; the rest comes under.

I will not waste my time arguing about why we worship while standing; throw punches in the air and so forth as you allege. It’s not about that but about the heart of the person doing it and praying. You may kneel and clasp your palms together but if the heart is full of deceit, you do all that in vain. “Styles of worship” is a subject for another day.

Even the Bible abolishes praying in public like Pagans? And where do you guys worship? in the open, by the road side, shouting for everyone to hear. Why is the pot calling kettle black here? Christians have constructed churches and temples simply for shelter against elements of weather.

As you rightly put it that God does not dwell in the church building or the temples but that is where people gather to worship God. If that was not necessary Jesus himself would not have even went to the temple or synagogue.

According to the New Testament, God came to earth in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that Jesus is not a created being like the angels, but is the very Creator of the universe. Genesis 1:26 reads “Let US make man in OUR own image…”

“Our“ means more than one, Jesus was there.

In Colossians 1:15-17, Paul writes: “Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through him that everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen.

In fact, every single thing was created through and for him. Life from nothing began through him, and life from the dead began through him, and he is therefore justly called the Lord of all.”

Theologian J. I. Packer also writes, “The gospel tells us that our Creator has become our Redeemer.” This alone is enough to tell us that Jesus has always been there with his Father; and before creation the Spirit of God was hovering on void and formless earth.

The New Testament reveals that, in accordance with his Father’s will, Jesus temporarily set aside his power and glory to come to earth. As he grew, Jesus worked in a carpenter shop with “his” father Joseph, experienced hunger, got tired, and suffered pain and death like us. Then at age 30 he began his public ministry.

The words Jesus spoke reflect his humility as a servant and his limitations as a man. However, on other occasions Jesus made claims that only God could make. Jesus didn’t parade around the hills of Judea shouting, “Hey everybody, look at me – I’m God!”

On the other hand, neither did he go around proclaiming, “I am a teacher,” I am a prophet,” or, “I am the Messiah.” Yet his followers called him by each of those names. They also called him, “Lord.” Where they all wrong to believe in an imposter or fraudster or a fake god?

After the apostles died, several first and second century church leaders wrote of Jesus’ deity. In fact, early church historian Larry Hurtado states, that from the very beginning of the church Jesus was worshipped as Lord along with God the Father.

God, the Father who spoke to Moses at the burning bush 1500 years before Christ, He reaffirmed that He is the only God. God told Moses His name is Yahweh, (I AM). (Most of us are more familiar with the English translation, Jehovah or LORD.)

At the time of Christ, each worship service began with a recitation of the Shema, “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD.” (Deuteronomy 6:4) This shows an inseparable relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ. According to Theologians like to Ray Stedman, Jesus is the central theme of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Stedman further argues that Jesus Christ – in the form of a living, breathing human being, is the one who satisfies and fulfils all the symbols and prophecies of Genesis through Malachi. As we move from the Old Testament to the New, we find that one person, Jesus of Nazareth, is the focal point of both Testaments.

Mr. Tawona argues that,” The Gospels of the New Testament nervously refer to Him as The Son of God, Son of Mary, Son of David, Son of Joseph and Son of Abraham. Can’t Jesus be identified through just one father like us all?” Well Mr. Tawona, NERVOUSLY? Good but NOT good observation, Jesus Christ is the Son of God; he is the Son of man etc.

Some of these things were prophesied in the Old Testament as the coming of the Messiah. If Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament, his claims should confirm all Mr Tawona’s concerns and that “God is one LORD,” beginning with what he called himself.

Jesus Christ called himself the Son of Man.
The name, “Son of Man” referred to Jesus’ role as Savior-King, fulfilling the messianic prophecy of Isaiah 53 which is the most comprehensive prophetic passage of the coming Messiah, and clearly depicts him as the suffering Savior.

Isaiah had also referred to the Messiah as “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6. Additionally, many scholars say Jesus was referring to himself as the fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy about the “son of man.” Daniel prophesies that the “son of man” will be given authority over mankind and receive worship:

“I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him.” (Daniel 7:13, 14)

So who is this “son of man,” and why is he being worshipped, when God alone is to be worshipped. Jesus told his disciples that when he returns to earth,”Then everyone will see the Son of man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27). Jesus is saying here that he is the fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy.

Jesus also claimed to be the, “Son of God.” This title does not mean Jesus is God’s biological Son. Neither does the term “Son” imply inferiority anymore than a human son is inferior in essence to his father.

A son shares his father’s DNA, and although he is different, they are both men. Scholars say that the term “Son of God” in the original languages refers to likeness, or “of the same order.” Jesus meant by it that he has divine essence, or in 21st century terms, the “DNA of God”.

Professor Peter Kreeft explains, “What did Jesus mean when he called himself the ‘Son of God’? The son of a man is a man. (Both ‘son ‘and ‘man,’ in the traditional language, mean males and females equally.) The son of an ape is an ape. And so the Son of God is God. ‘Son of God’ is a divine title.” In John 17, Jesus speaks about the glory he and his Father shared before the world began.

According to Matthew 1 Jesus, The Messiah is traced back to Abraham, and ironically he talks about David who is 12 generations after Abraham.

Jesus is born 12 generations after David. These 2 men had some special relationship with God and if Mr Tawona would scrutinise their accounts, he would find that Abraham was a great man of faith (Johane Masowe still sing and worship him – which is wrong); and David a man after God’s own heart.

Acts 13:22 (ESV) And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.

That’s the reason why Jesus is referred to as Son of Abraham and Son of David. I don’t see any problem with me being called Son of Killian (My Father) or Son of Maudy (My mother) or Son of Shadreck (My great Grandfather). Hapana nyaya apa!

In another shallow argument Mr. Tawona alleges that Paul abolishing Mosaic Laws, I mean there was no reason for Jesus to die if some of those laws were to stay. There is no condemnation in Christ Romans 8: 2- Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin; He condemned sin in the flesh.

Jesus came to redeem us and remove us from the captivity of the Mosaic laws. We are free in Christ; and we pray to God through Jesus Christ – NOT that prayers are dedicated to Christ.

In your article it is evident that you need a lot of help especially on your love of religion rather than Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and Jehovah God. It’s no longer about religion but SALVATION.

In my opinion this guy is misleading people in the entirety of his argument with his claims of Madzibaba chakati being told by or hearing from God, yet he disputes that Paul saw a vision from God. Isn’t he contradicting himself?

Its funny how Mr. Tawona relates Mr. Sixpence and others, to Jacob and Abraham, yet he refuses to accept that Jesus is in the same genealogy. Isn’t it easy to relate Jesus to the two than relating Mr. Sixpence and his cabal?

Mr. Tawona clearly shows me that he lacks the depth and understanding of the Bible which in itself is living Word of God that is being fulfilled every now and then. Galatians 5:22 – 23 reads “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Where is the kindness? Madzibaba does not believe in Jesus (who is the only Son of God) and you claim to speak to God directly.

You also claim to receive counsel from the Holy Spirit yet the majority of them are busy telling their followers their opinions and beliefs; stirring havoc, creating enmity amongst relatives; antagonizing and keeping people in captivity; marrying underage girls; banning people from wearing underwear; raping women; moving around with those bamboo sticks – for your info, those sticks where used by shepherds to pull out sheep if they fell into pits or dongas; and “minamato yekumadokero” for fixing your enemies.

You always say nhingi arikukuroya; nhingi wako muroyi; chiga cherufu bla bla bla is that Holy Spirit? Would God listen to Munamato wekumadokero?

I was disappointed when he tore through Paul and his Pauline writings who speaks on salvation all. I quote Madzibaba Tawona wekuAustralia, “Paul makes interesting reading, the man was not a Disciple of Jesus. He was a disciple of Barnaba, the Disciple of Jesus Christ. Paul confessed seeing and hearing Jesus in a dream (Acts 26:19).

Yet it is the same Paul through his teachings, letters and greetings to his friends who abolished the Law of Moses and trashed the Teachings of Jesus (Ephesians 2:14-15 & Romans 7:2-6) about fulfilling the Law of Moses (Mathew 5:17-18)

Further reading is in Luke 24:44, Galatians 3:10,13.” His assertions in this paragraph show that this guy has a problem of arm-twisting and making scriptures mean what he wants. In Ephesians 2: 14 – 15 Paul tells the church at Ephesus that there was/is no longer a Jew or a Gentile; nor hostility among-st them as it was back in the day.

Jesus brought peace, which Paul was talking about. Paul preaches about peace; love, co-cohabitant; redemption, salvation and faith.

In conclusion Madzibaba Tawona wekuAustralia I challenge you to read the Bible with an open mind and a heart that is ready to learn and receive the truth. Innocent Ngwaru can be reached on
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